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Free Event Announced By English Heritage

Summer Solstice Celebrations at Stonehenge

Free Event Announced by English Heritage

This year, the summer solstice will be celebrated from 7pm on Thursday, June 20th, to 8am on Friday, June 21st. English Heritage is pleased to provide free access to Stonehenge for these special ceremonies.

Sunrise and Sunset Live

The sunrise and sunset will be live-streamed on the English Heritage website and social media channels, allowing those unable to attend in person to experience the magic of the solstice.

Solstice Festival

A two-day festival will also take place at Stonehenge, featuring live music, workshops, and food stalls. Tickets are available for purchase, and camping is available for those who wish to stay overnight.

A Lasting Impression

The summer solstice is a time of great celebration and spiritual significance. As the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, it represents a time of new beginnings and renewal. Whether you choose to attend the free ceremonies at Stonehenge or the lively festival, this event is sure to leave a lasting impression on you.
